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That old-time tent revival

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It’s tent revival season throughout Appalachia – the region that invented the tent revival.

The first camp meeting took place in July 1800 at Gasper River Church in southwestern Kentucky. A much larger one was held at Cane Ridge, Kentucky, in August 1801, where between 10,000 and 25,000 people attended, and Presbyterian, Baptist and Methodist ministers participated. “The noise was like the roar of Niagara,” wrote eyewitness James B. Finley in his autobiography.1

“The vast sea of human beings seemed to be agitated as if by a storm … Some of the people were singing, others praying, some crying for mercy in the most piteous accents, while others were shouting vociferously. While witnessing these scenes, a peculiarly strange sensation, such as I had never felt before, came over me.  My heart beat tumultuously, my knees trembled, my lip quivered, and I felt as though I must fall to the ground.

“A strange supernatural power seemed to pervade the entire mass of mind there collected. At one time I saw at least 500, swept down in a moment as if a battery of a thousand guns had been opened upon them, and then immediately followed shrieks and shouts that rent the very heavens. I fled for the woods and wished I had stayed at home.” 

It was this event that stamped the organized revival as the major mode of church expansion for denominations such as the Methodists and Baptists, who were newly converted by the teachings of John Wesley.

“The significant and most recurring theme in mountain preaching,” according to Deborah McCauley, author of Appalachian Mountain Religion, “is that of a broken heart, tenderness of heart, a heart not hardened to the Spirit and the Word of God. Mountain people teach through their churches that the image of God in each person lives in the heart, that the Word of God lodges itself in the heart, and the heart is meant to guide the head, not the other way around.”

Elkridge WV Tent Revival 1930s

One of Lemmon’s fellow worshipers, “Sister Uphold,” explained to her that the experience she sought was “sanctification.” “So I went to the altar and prayed for it. I also made various restitutions. Brother Faust quoted the Scripture: ‘The Lord whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple.’ And Jesus did just that for me on the night of September 22, 1935 after Brother Faust had delivered his sermon and while Sister Young walked up and down behind me at the altar quoting in a strong voice: ‘This is the will of God, even your sanctification.’”

Sources: “The American Religious Experience,” Michael Ferber, West Virginia University, 2002
Lemmon, Dewilla. “Camp Memories” journal exercise recorded by Pauline Shahan. July 6, 1980
Appalachian Mountain Religion. University of Illinois Press: Chicago; 1995
“Great Awakenings,” Theopedia

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  1. Finley, J. B. (1853). Autobiography of Rev. James B. Finley or, Pioneer life in the West: p. 166. Cranston and Curtis, Cincinnati. https://archive.org/details/autobiorevfinley00finlrich/page/166/mode/2up


  1. We are planning an Old Time Tent Revival in the Catskill Mountains of New York and would very much like some pointers. We are looking forward to these mountain communities to turn toward the Lord and to see our depleted churches filled.

  2. God is calling me and my wife to start tent revival meetings early 2016 in our community by faith. We are believing God for revival to begin in the hearts of people in our community and expand to the nations! I believe revival starts with you and me first,we are ”the church” the body of Christ! As me and my wife step into Gods vision and purpose stand with us in prayer you who read this blog,for a date and provision from God to begin our revival meetings ! We are believing for the greatest outpouring of the Lords spirit we have ever seen ! Thank you and god bless you all who stand in the gap for our ministry and may god give you a double portion for obedience Glory to God !! I’m so excited for our new season !

  3. I’m currently a Law Enforcement Officer and I am a full time Deputy with the Page County Sheriffs office. I was raised here in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. I long to see God move in this valley and these mountains. I preach now and share in churches with music and word quite often. My wife and daughter and I have seen the Lord move, but have yet to witness what we truly believe is coming.
    I currently live in Mount Jackson. Please pray that God will move and move me as well. I know it’s coming, and I want to be a part of it!!!

  4. 2017 It time for a revival at grass roots across America. God is calling all Christians to move in the Spirit of God and share the word and inspire those who are lost and searching. To refresh those who are weary and need courage to move forward and prepare the way for our Lord to receive those waiting for his children (representatives) to be bold and step up. It takes the will of God and the planning of heartfelt christians coming together in HIS name to give the word to the world.
    I have been in those tent meetings and the Holy Spirit is happy and able to bring souls home.

  5. Open the Windows of Heaven Apostolic Ministries are call by the Holy Spirit to do tent meetings I will love some information we are launching on April 21st and 22nd thank 3

  6. My wife and I are stepping out on faith by preaching and ministering through the anointing to reach the lost sheep of the house of isreal…I have seen children of God backsliding by the 100s… God has blessed us with a tent… We Stepping out…any thoughts would be greatly appreciated…. GOD BLESS

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