trot line how-to diagram

We used to catch the cat on a trot line

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“Us kids used to go down and we’d find a little hole, maybe big as this room, and these suckers had got in there, water was runnin’ into it, and the water’d get up and these suckers wouldn’t bite. You could take your hook and put a worm down there, and they’d swim all the way around it, same as a big ole bass. They had what we call white bass and speckled bass. Now, the speckled bass’d bite.

Covered bridge over the Little River at Lookout Mountain.
Covered bridge over the Little River at Lookout Mountain.

“But them white ‘uns would swim up thata way, they just ease up to it. You could take a worm and throw it down, the water was just clear as crystal, and it’d wiggle down on a rock, and these ole bass and suckers and things’d come up and swim over it two, three times, then directly ease down and pick it up. You could catch some pretty big catfish and oh, some five or six pound bass. We used to catch the cat on a trot line.

“Wasn’t but one place to have a boat down there, and that was what they called the Yonker hole. All them holes in that gulf, I can’t call ‘em all by name, but it used to be, when I was a kid, people’d know ‘em by a certain name. Like, old man Yonker lived right up on top of the canyon. And at the old Kean place, there used to be a ladder to go down them rocks to get in to that Yonker hole.

“Had a big ladder there that went off down the rock about twenty, thirty feet straight down, then they had a trail to get down. But old man Yonker lived on the Cherokee side and they called it the Yonker hole. It’s a big hole with water in it, and we used trot lines in it, and used to catch a lot of fish.”

C.A. Helms
Lookout Mountain, AL
b. early 1900s
interviewed at age 83


More articles on fishing:

Something Fishy’s Goin’ on Here(Opens in a new browser tab)

Book Excerpt: ‘Downstream: Reflections on Brook Trout, Fly Fishing, and the Waters of Appalachia’(Opens in a new browser tab)

Stalking game with his slingshot(Opens in a new browser tab)

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